Effective Cloud Hosting Saves you Time and Money

Move forward with cloud technology and eliminate the hassles of IT so you can focus on your practice. Think of as your server where your software and critical data reside. Through a secured internet connection, your practice will be able to access your information and continue normal business without the hassles of maintaining the computer hardware.

In addition, your data will be backed up securely so you know your data will be there when you need it.

Why Choose DataHEALTH Cloud Hosting for your OfficeMate software?
Visit DataHEALTH.com to learn more »

HIPAA Compliant and Accredited

OfficeMate Certified Partner

DataHEALTH has been a partner of OfficeMate since 2003.

Fantastic Support

Disaster Recovery

Built-in disaster recovery and data backup is an added benefit. You no longer have to worry about computer crashes, missing files, human error and when the last backup was performed.

Encryption Certified

Maintenance Free

No more expensive upfront costs for network infrastructure, maintenance, and upgrades.

OfficeMate HELP Desk here to help

HIPAA Security

Your dedicated server in the cloud is housed at DataHEALTH's fully Accredited URAC HIPAA Security Business Associate data center. This accreditation demonstrates that DataHEALTH takes all appropriate steps to safeguard information, including protected health information with state of the art security, fire suppression, backup power, leak detection, climate control and redundant bandwidth.

OfficeMate Approved Backup Process

Scaleable Servers

DataHEALTH uses state-of-the-art HP technology. Multiple servers are clustered to insure uptime.

OfficeMate Approved Backup Process

Cloud Based

Access OfficeMate remotely from any place, any time and from various devices (laptop, iPad, smart phone, etc.).

DataHealth with URAC HIPAA Accreditation

DataHEALTH is the only cloud provider with URAC HIPAA Accreditation.
Fully Accredited URAC HIPAA Security Business and Covered Entity Associate

Get Started with a 30 Day Free Trial

Call 888-656-3282, Option 1 to speak to DataHEALTH directly. Feel free to email us at info@datahealth.com